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Fabulous color

Meet the most beautiful parrots in the world with us

There are about 350 different species of parrots in the world. Many of them are also bred in households due to their beautifully colored feathers or intelligence and nice, affectionate nature. Favorites include, for example, Amazon parrots, gray jackets, cockatoos and macaws, which are also very communicative. If you are interested in these unusual operations, see an overview of the 10 most beautiful parrots in the world.


1. Golden-crested Cockatoo

This species of cockatoo, also called the yellow-crested cockatoo, in Latin Cacatua galerita, is one of the most widespread species of parrots living on the Australian continent. In addition to Australia, it also occurs in Indonesia and New Guinea. It reaches a weight of about 780 g and a length of 50 cm, in the wild it lives for about 20 - 40 years, in captivity it can be up to 70 years. The feathers of the golden-crested cockatoo parrot are beautifully snow-white, only the lower feathers of the plume, the underside of the wings and the tail are colored slightly yellow.
The beak of this parrot is gray-black, as are its legs. Males of this species have a black iris, while most females have a more reddish-brown color. An interesting feature of this kind is the conspicuous plume on the head, which gives them an original look and also a strong intelligence. The golden-billed cockatoo is therefore a common pet in its homeland as well as around the world.


2. Amazonian bronze-winged

Pionus chalcopterus, in Slovak Amazonian bronze-winged, is a medium-sized, unusually colored species of parrot native to South America (Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru). His feathers pass from dark purple, respectively. blue to an elegant bronze shade on the wings. The parrot has purple feather edges, pale pink feathers on the neck and the lower part of the belly can turn into a bright red. It is a calm and sociable parrot by nature, very playful and bright. In the wild, it inhabits tree cavities.


3. Lory Dark

The parrot with the Latin name Pseudeos fuscata is not only beautiful to look at, but it is also extremely active and playful. Thanks to that, it is one of the most popular parrots in the world. Intelligent parrots of this kind also mimic human speech very well. They like to play with toys or communicate with people. They come from Papua New Guinea, where they inhabit tropical and subtropical forests and feed on fruits, nectar and seeds. For this reason, they like various fruit treats in the form of sticks for large parrots . The male and female look the same - they both have a bright orange upper chest, a creamy feather on the chest, gray legs and a dark orange beak.


4. Pink cockatoo

The tropical appearance of the parrot Eolophus roseicapilla is characterized by a pink chest, pink neck and face. His upper body and short tail are an inconspicuous light gray color. Males and females look almost the same, the only difference is in the color of the eyes, which is dark brown in males and pinkish in females. They occur in large flocks that include up to 1000 birds. Acrobatic stunts often stand in the sky and travel long distances in search of food.


5. Blue-yellow macaw

It is also known as Ara ararauna. In adulthood, it weighs up to 1 kg and has a length of 81-91 cm, so cages for large parrots are required for its breeding. This large blue - yellow parrot comes from South America, where it occurs in moist forests and swamps. It has a striking blue upper body and a distinct light yellow lower part. Thanks to the enchanting coloration, intelligence and ability to talk, these macaws have become one of the most popular domestic birds.


6. Congo Gray Parrot

The Gray Jacket (Psittacus erithacus) is the most intelligent species of all talking parrots in the world. He can live up to 60 years in captivity. It has inconspicuously gray feathers, light red on the tail. It comes from the rainforests of East and Central Africa. Both males and females look similar. It is said that the gray partridge is the most talkative parrot. In his homeland, he feeds on seeds and grains, and in his households, for example, a special blend for African parrots Premium fits him well.


7. Aratinga solar

Aratinga solstitialis are noisy but extremely charming endemic parrots native to South America. Their colorful feathers include yellow, red, orange, blue and green. In addition, they have a white spot around the eyes and green markings on the wings. As with many other species of parrots, the male looks the same as the female. Aratingas are also known to imitate the human voice. It is interesting that, unlike adults, the young aratinga has an olive green color. Only after reaching the age of 6 months does the feathers change into a mixture of different bright colors.


8. Hyacinth macaw

It is an exceptionally beautifully colored parrot, which reaches a length of up to 1 m and weighs about 1.5 - 2 kg. It is the largest flying species of parrot in the world. Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, as the Arabian Hyacinth is called in Latin, lives in the central part of the South American continent. These macaws have bright blue feathers and a large beak bordered by a yellow spot. Similarly, a yellow color is found around their eyes.


9. Eclectus

Eclectus roratus, originally from Papua New Guinea, leaves no one in doubt that it deserves to be one of the most beautiful parrots in the world. The male parrot has bright green feathers, the female birds boast a bright red and purple color. Another notable difference between the two sexes is the color of the beak. The male's beak has an orange upper part and a yellow tip. Females have a black beak. The eclectus is classified as a mild, peaceful and sociable bird.


10. Ara arakanga

Ara macao, also called Ara arakanga, is one of the most colorful parrots in the world. She also often behaves in households, where she is given vitamins for parrots to support the bright colors of feathers. Its overall color is dominated by scarlet red. The tail feathers are pale blue, but we can also find a combination of red and blue. The large and medium-sized feathers on the wings are yellow, with a distinctive green end. However, there are also blue, green and red feathers on the wings. The facial area of the arakanga macaw is pure white, without feathers. The upper part of the beak is horned in color, while the lower part is gray-black. The eye of this beauty among parrots has a yellow iris.

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